Monday, March 30, 2009


Change is a terrifying word sometimes isn't it? The mere word signifies something that almost everyone fears, at least to some point. Just hearing that something is going to change sends people's heart rates through the roof; pulses sky rocket, and tempers flair. Just because something is changing though doesn't mean it's always a "bad" thing though of course. But, how often do we hear the word without immediately thinking of something bad that may happen? Not often.

So, speaking of change, my life is changing like crazy right now. Here's the deal, I'm now out of place in the work world. Oh yes, it's quite true. I quit my job on Thursday and my last day is going to be next Saturday. If the fact that I am now unemployed isn't terrifying in and of itself, I also have zero prospects for a new one. I'm trying to get a job at Starbucks; I'm trying to get a job at different restaurants; I'm trying to get a job at the river this summer. It's scary crap my friends. I hate not having a job. One of my great friends just got fired too, so, at least I have someone to mourn with right? heh, right.

Oh, next on the list, I adore being single most of the time OK, but lately it's been becoming a major pain in the neck! Everywhere I go I have friends trying to set me up with different guys, I have a ton of guys I know asking me out because they know I am now single, and I really do not enjoy turning people down. Having a significant other really does relieve some of the stress because being off the market can be really relaxing. Getting back into the game can be traumatizing too, no lie. I don't like being some object or prize to be won. It's disgusting.

At last, my list of things to accomplish in the next few months:

#1. Find a new job. (in the next few weeks)
#2. Find a really great guy. (giving that quite a few months)
#3. Learn how to play guitar. (give that more than a few months)
#4. Learn to speak Spanish. (who wants to take bets on if that will actually happen?)
#5. Write a new song. (And actually record it)
#6. Forget about the past as much as I can. (it's already happening believe it or not)
#7. Lose 15 more pounds and look amazing for summer (oh yes, it's happening)
#8. Get A's in my classes this semester (well on my way)
#9. Travel this summer. (Palm Springs, Washington; just a couple on the list)
#10. LOVE.

So that is my short short list of things I want to get done in the next few months (or so) and I am going to mark them off this summer as I go. There will be an update in a short time in which I will tell how many things I accomplished.

For now, I need to go get ready to leave. Oh what a busy busy life I have.

Stress, it's what pushes us to live; to love; and to learn.

As Always,
Vivo Amare Imparare

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Way I See Things

To start things off today; as you all can see it has been an extremely long time since my last post. This is partially due to the fact that I haven't had a whole lot of time lately and also because my life has been such a mess that I didn't feel like writing about anything. I'm back on my feet, and I'm here to stay.

I said my life has been a mess lately right. Well, that very well could be the understatement of the century but regardless, I finally found my way back to where and who I want to be. I find it amazing that one can lose him or herself without even noticing it and then when he or she wants to find who he or she was in the past it's a maze of mistakes and wrong turns that they look back on and can't believe they made.
All of this intro just to say that, I made a huge mistake and can't take it back. I found myself again. The person I found is slightly roughed up and bruised around the edges but she's back. I fell in love; I lost who I wanted to be; I turned into someone I swore I would never become; and when it was all said and done there was one thing I had to show for it; experience. I finally know what it's like to love someone who doesn't love you back. I know what wrong turns it takes to completely lose myself. Last of all, I've learned that I'm worth way more than I ever realized before. It still takes a long time for things to be resolved though. Everyone I know is more than well aware of how often I use lyrics from my favourite songs to describe the state of my life; so here are the lyrics that have been going through my head lately.

And people asking how I'm doing
But every question still has you in
I say I'm fine And I never think about you
But you're always on my mind
Please speak slowly
My heart is learning
Teach me heartache
Stop this burning now
And now we're too far gone
Hope is such a waste
Every breath you take
You give me the burden's bitter taste
You promised that you'd stay
You say you want to go
Your lips provide a shelter to the
Things that I don't know
I wake up every evening, with a big smile on my face
And it never feels out of place
And your still probably working at a 9 to 5 pace
I wonder how bad that tastes
When you see my face
Hope it gives you hell
Hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
Hope it gives you hell
Hope it gives you hell
That's a short summary of the mess of lyrics that are cycling through my head like a tornado right now. I don't know what I'm doing with my life currently but I do know that whatever happens it's going to be epic because I'm done letting other people control what I do with my life. I was fooled into thinking I was in control for quite sometime, then I realized that someone I loved was pulling the strings. My life is God's. And I plan on letting him control it from here on out. I made my mistakes, I made my bed and now I have to lye in it but my life can only get better from here. This is one last song. This one is by me.
It's Not You
Stop pretending
That it's a picture perfect world.
Stop acting like my life is yours.
Don't deceive me
Like I'm a naive little girl.
I'm my own.
I'm not yours.
And I just want you to know
I'm through with the promises
That never will come true
I'm through with the pictures
That I dreamt up of you.
I'm through with the lies
Of an idealistic life.
If you ever come around again
I'll tear through you're disguise
What would you do
If you were in my shoes?
What would you say
If I'd ruined your whole day?
Better yet, what would you do
If I didn't give a damn about you?
Well that's the end I'm through.
It's not you.
I am getting
That it's just not a perfect world.
I'm moving on I'm not your girl.
Don't believe me?
Well too bad 'cause you're not my man
I'm my own.
I'm not yours.
And I just want you to know
I'm through with the promises
That never will come true
I'm through with the pictures
That I dreamt up of you.
I'm through with the lies
Of an idealistic life.
If you ever come around again
I'll tear through you're disguise
What would you do
If you were in my shoes?
What would you say If I'd ruined your whole day?
Better yet, what would you do
If I didn't give a damn about you?
Well that's the end I'm through.
It's not you.
It's not you-- It's not you
It's not you
It's not you
And that about does it for my view of the world outside my window. I hope you enjoyed this update. Keep checking in for updates and as always, feel free to tell me what you think.
Vivo Amare Imparare